Herbs in Daily Life - by Consumers Association of Penang (CG004)

Herbs in Daily Life - by Consumers Association of Penang

Herbs in Daily Life 2 - by Consumers Association of Penang
List Price : RM4 (West Malaysia)

Book Size : 14X11 (cm)

Pages :72

ISBN : 978-967- 5447-18-1

Version : English (also available in Chinese & Malay)

Publication date : 2011

Foreword by S M Mohamed Idris
(President of Consumers Association of Penang , Malaysia)

Herbs are nature's precious gift. Herbal plants are very significant in our lives and have been highly regards by our ancestors. They have been used as medicine, air purifier, vegetable, aroma and ornaments to cite a few.Many traditions have given plants a holy status.

However, in the past few decades isage of herbs have started diminishing, Home remedies, traditional medicine, nature treatment, folk medicine has become strange to us. We are not able to recognize many herbal plants; names are forgotten; values are unknown ; and we are doubtful about their usage.

Rich values of herbal plants have been carried from generation to generation but sadly these values are not passed down to the present age group. This is a worrying scenario as lack of herbal knowledge also means disregarding our biodiversity.

Multi-traditions of Malaysia have inherited rich sources of medicinal plants which are used in health care.

This guide is to revive the herbal knowledge and encourage consumers to use herbs in their daily life for good health. Twenty types of herbs commonly used by Malay, Indian and Chinese communities have been selected and names are given in major local languages. This guide also shares about the medicinal values of these plants,how to grow and use them and some recipes. Color pictures may help you to identify the plants.
